Canal and Waterway Webcams

This is a list of links to canal and waterway related webcams that I have found on the web or that others have told me about. (I do NOT operate any of these webcams myself.) Please email if you know of any others not listed here.

Remember that a webcam may be dark if you are looking at it when it is night at the webcam's location.

Notes (suggested by Peter Hardcastle):

For some reason, webcam links seem to change often, so let me know if you discover that any of these have gone bad. Note that an AUTOMATED link check is NOT good at detecting defunct cams - another reason to let me know if you find bad ones. Note also that there is a link to a list of "Problem Webcams" at the bottom of this web page.

24 Sep 2023 I've finally done a long-delayed manual link check of this page.

The end result is a bunch of webcams have disappeared (and so moved to the problem-webcams page). Some others had changed their web address, but I was able to find their new addresses and fix the links.

Newly discovered webcams

Previously discovered webcams

Newly RESTORED webcams

"Newly NOT-working webcams" and" Defunct webcams"

These lists have been moved to the Problem Webcams page. I think Google has downgraded this page in the past, due to all of the "bad links" it contained, so they are now on a separate page which is marked NOT to be indexed by Google.

Link to main canals page.
Send questions and comments to .
Text and photos Copyright © 1995-2024 by George Pearson.
This Page Last Modified: Monday, 4-Nov-24 12:30 pm EST
Page Links Manually Checked: Sunday, 24-Sep-23 2:30 pm EDT
I have abandoned automatic link checks of webcams on this page, as they do not reveal most problems. I do manual checks now and then. Please contact me if you find some non-working cams in the "good" list.